606 Laces

606 Laces is a new shoe accessories brand boldly representing its home, Chicago. 606 Laces is an extension of its adjacent parent operation, Red Star Cobbler. Both directly influenced and inspired by elements of Chicago's design language. Brhyt designed its visual identity and website.








Red Star Cobbler


Case Studies

Clients are encouraged to update their websites. Live website may not reflect original design.

606 Laces expands Red Star Cobbler's reach into the product arena. We identified early on the sole focus of Red Star Cobbler is to become the Chicagoan's staple in shoe restoration and now shoe accessories. With a focus on carrying every lace type and color, 606 Laces, opens an online store with access to a warehouse of shoe laces and accessories.

Visual Identity

Source: AF-1 '82 Shoe Lace Tag

Taking inspiration from sneaker culture elements and brand-adjacent recreations, the 606 Laces logo is a NOT box-logo that is box-logo with curves that attempt to mimic the AF-1 tags in a 1-color 2D world.

Color: #FF0

Purest form of 'red' on the RGB scale. One color for all things 606. The color of a Chicago 'Red Star' shining it's brightest.

Font: Futura PT

The font is a fixture of the 606 Laces visual identity, continuing the "borrowing" tradition of Supreme from Barbara Kruger.

Cohesion: The 606 Laces Tag + Red Star

In the Red Star (Cobbler) — 606 (Laces) world, the two elements are designed to flow drawing lines from Chicago's own branding.

Website & Online Store

Information Architecture: Optimized for easy site management of inventory and sales.

Utilizing the power of Webflow's CMS, the 606 Laces navigation was designed to automatically fill the pages with product and content from the expanding database set.

User Interface: Simple & easy above all.

As straight-forward as you can get with a navigational menu. Minimal static pages that are mostly, dynamically populated.

From window-shopping views to product pages, The shopping experience makes it easy to filter for your product by color and lace type.

Mobile Friendly: Always.

For business defining insights.
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An interdisciplinary partner in navigating the creative and technical depths of product design & video communications.

